Course Syllabus

                                                                                  Biology 2021-22            

Mrs. Stolfus, B201

SHS Science Department

Room B201  (503)873-6331 x3791


Course Information:

This lab-based, full year science course is designed to familiarize students with the fundamental principles of biology while focusing on critical thinking, science practices, and engineering design.  Content will center around cell biology, genetics, evolution and ecology. The overall goal of this course is to help students develop a deeper understanding of the unifying principles governing life and enhance their student problem solving and analytical skills.   


Textbook: Students will be supported by a variety of resources, including inclass texts, articles, and online scientific sites.


Course of Study:

  • Fall Semester

Unit 1: Nature of Science & Lab Safety

Unit 2: Biomolecules & Water Properties

Unit 3: Cellular Structure and Functio

Unit 4: Cellular Transport

Unit 5: Bioenergetics and Enzymes 

Unit 7: Cell Cycle and Meiosis

Unit 8: Semester 1 Final


  • Spring Semester 

Unit 1:Genetics

Unit 2: DNA and Gene Expression

Unit 3: Biotechnology and Bioethics

Unit 4: Natural Selection and Evolution 

Unit 5: Ecology Cycles and Interactions

Unit 6: Ecological Impacts

Unit 7: Semester 2 Final


Grading Policy:

  • This class has clear learning expectations and all assignments, tests, and labs address NGSS performance expectations.  A list of learning targets will be posted in class.  Quizzes will address specific targets and unit exams will cover multiple related targets. The final is cumulative for each semester.
  • Grades are calculated by averaging points each semester.  Additionally, unit work will work out roughly as stated below:

- Tests = 50%

 - Labs = 25 %

- Study Guides/ Daily Assignments/ Quizzes = 15 %

 - Final = 10%

  • The Grading Scale is as follows: 

90-100% = A

80-89%   = B

70-79%   = C

60-69%   = D

0 -59%    = F


Course Expectations:

  • Attendance – The pace of this course will make it difficult for you to stay caught up if you do not maintain excellent attendance.  Please stay in communication with me if you expect to miss class, just as you would if you were physically in the building
  • Classroom Conduct – Students are expected to come to class prepared to learn.  Other class rules, lab safety procedures, and guidelines will be discussed in class.  Students will be responsible for knowing them and conducting themselves accordingly.  Students will adhere to their signed safety contract.  
  • Late Work – Deadlines given in class are generous to accommodate busy students schedules. A 20% deduction will be given for all late work after the end of the unit (day of the unit test). Work turned in after this deadline will not be graded. Missed tests, quizzes, and labs must all be made up within the week (depending on material)!  Lab material expires, so don’t procrastinate!  
  • Retakes -  Students may retake most unit tests once, provided they have already worked to understand the material being tested on.  Missing homework, daily work, or labs will all cost you your retake. Make sure to turn any late work in by unit test deadlines, so that you earn your retake opportunity. There are no retakes on a final semester exam.
  • Absences – It is the student’s responsibility, not the instructor’s, to find out which assignments were missed after an absence and make them up in a timely manner. 
  • If you are absent, an outline of our agenda and handouts will be available on Canvas. 
  • Late work is updated in the gradebook each week by Tuesday afternoon.  Please  check your grades online and keep track of what is missing!
  • GATTACA:  I use clips of a feature film called GATTACA to help students discuss the possible social ramifications of genetic engineering.  It is a PG-13 video and has been approved for classroom viewing. By signing the syllabus, you are agreeing to allow your child to watch the clips with the class.  Email or call with any necessary clarifying questions.
  • Notebooks – Students are expected to keep a spiral notebook dedicated to this course throughout the semester. These items will be checked periodically during the semester and graded for thoroughness and organization. Have them in class daily. 
  • Academic Integrity:  Cheating or plagiarizing is not tolerated. Students will collaborate on labs, but all submitted work must be the student’s own work. Copying of a peer’s work at any time, for any reason, is unacceptable. The consequences to these actions are outlined in the student handbook.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due